We're rich in love and happiness!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Clouse House

212 West Boston, it's our new house!!
And guess what? It's OURS, we bought it!!
It has a POOL!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby Clouse's First Outfit

I just ordered this and it's Baby Clouse's first outfit.
Actually, this is the first thing we've bought for the baby.
It even has a tail.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Belly Bump - 10 Weeks

Here's the growing belly bump at 10 weeks!!
Already wearing maternity clothes... thanks to Stephie!!

I am not going to be as lucky as I was with Shelbie. The belly has popped out already. I guess that's the difference between being pregnant at a young and spry 20 and being pregnant at my comfortable and lazy 28.

Monday, March 2, 2009

First Appointment - 03/02/09

Today was our first appointment.
Baby Clouse is doing well and growing rapidly.
Its heartbeat was 180 and the doctor estimated our due date to be October 5th.

Baby Clouse is upside down and facing the uterin wall in this picture.

I am feeling great other than being tired all the time.

The first person to bring me Spaghetti Factory's Mizithra and Browned Butter will be my hero!!